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The digital age is here
PowerNet has been rolling out Smart Meters on some of our managed networks.
Electricity meters
PowerNet has been supporting the Network Transformation Roadmap (NTR) that the Electricity Network Association (ENA) has produced. This roadmap helps lines companies such as PowerNet prepare for the future in the electricity distribution industry.
Benefits of meters
The upgrading of our electricity meters have been rolled out across both the Electricity Invercargill Ltd and The Power Company Ltd network over the past few years. The new meters are just like normal electrical meters, the only difference is that they are now digital and more accurate. They also provide retailers the ability to remotely read energy consumption and charge their customers based on actual energy used.
The new electricity meter records the amount of electricity that is actually used in half-hour intervals, then the data is sent back to the retailer via the radio network.
The benefits of the new electricity meters are:
- Energy usage forecast – Some retailers offer a forecast of the likely energy consumption, which means you will likely know how much your bills would be every month.
- Energy usage visibility – Some retailers offer tools to allow customers to track their daily power consumption as it is used.
Find out more about smart meters