Cable locations

Find out who to contact

You should not undertake any excavations which may be in close proximity to cables without first determining their location.

PowerNet is part of a “one stop shop” which helps people and contractors identify underground services before they start excavating.

Before U Dig or 0800 248 344 is a service that allows you to provide details of planned works on a particular site. The Before U Dig team contacts any member suppliers in the area who then supply information about the location of underground infrastructure to the contractors before they start work. For a printable brochure on Before U Dig click here.



Safety is the key. If you are going to penetrate the ground surface, you should be contacting Before U Dig because contact with live cables or lines carries immense risk.

Any digging required for building, fencing, planting trees and so on in the vicinity of the mains or service cables is dangerous unless you know where they are.

If you prefer, PowerNet staff can visit your property and physically locate the cables to enable you to dig safely – a charge will apply for this visit.

Sometimes excavations can come across older cabling work not noted on Council or network management plans.

If you aren’t sure if a cable is live or not, don’t try and find out yourself. Assume it is live and contact PowerNet System Control first on 0800 808 587.

Most cables or overhead wires located inside the boundary of your property are known as mains or service lines or cables. They are owned by you and as such are your responsibility. Click on this link for more information about service line responsibilities.

If you are going to carry out work where you are likely to come in close proximity to overhead lines please call PowerNet System Control on 0800 808 587 for advice.