Report a hazard

Damage to our equipment

Sometimes lines come down during storms or as a result of a vehicle accident. Pillar boxes are occasionally targeted by vandalism. If you see damage to the electrical network or equipment please keep away from the damaged wires or equipment and keep other people away too, if it is safe to do so.

Phone PowerNet System Control on 0800 808 587

It is better that you report damage or anything untoward, even if you are not sure if it is in fact damaged. Please don’t be embarrassed, we will appreciate your call. If equipment isn’t damaged your information can help us fit other pieces of information together.

  • Damage could include:
  • Broken poles or wires
  • Damage created by trees
  • Broken cables, insulators
  • Damage to wires, poles, underground boxes (pillar boxes), transformers or substations
  • Doors open on underground boxes or other equipment

If lines have fallen around a car, the safest way to avoid electric shock is for occupants to stay in the car until help arrives.

They should only try to get away from the car if another urgent matter, such as a fire in the car, forces them to evacuate.