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REPORT A FAULT 24/7: 0800 808 587
Email: General Enquiries Online Form
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Looking for more information?
Follow these links:
- The EECA (Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority) is designed to encourage, promote and support the uptake of energy efficient initiatives and renewable energy.
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- The Electricity Authority is a Crown entity set up under the Electricity Act to oversee New Zealand’s electricity industry and markets.
- The Energy Trusts of New Zealand is the national organisation for 24 energy trusts.
- The Commerce Commission enforces legislation specific to the telecommunications, dairy and electricity industries.
- The Electricity Network’s Association represents the interests of the 24 organisations that distribute electricity to consumers throughout New Zealand.
- Transpower New Zealand Limited is the asset owner and system operator of New Zealand’s high-voltage electricity transmission grid.
- The Electricity Engineers Association provides the electricity supply industry with leadership, expertise and information on technical, engineering and safety issues affecting the electricity industry.
- Energy Safety is the regulator for ensuring the safe supply and use of electricity and gas in New Zealand. Industry Acts, Codes and Regulations are also available free from this site.
- The Electricity & Gas Complaints Commission provides a free independent dispute resolution service for complaints about your electricity, gas lines or retail company in New Zealand.
- The Energy Library is the largest independent holder of information for the engineering sector in New Zealand.
- Connexis Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation designs and develops training for the industry that is recognised nationally and internationally.
- Worksafe New Zealand provides best practice information, guidance and inspections for health and safety in the workplace.
- The Ministry for the Environment works to achieve good environmental leadership and decision making for New Zealanders.
- The Consumers’ Institute PowerSwitch Guide provides a guide for consumers to compare electricity prices.