Supporting St John in Southern Communities


Since 2014, PowerNet and St John have had an amazing partnership.  The Mental Health First Aid courses continue our joint vision to improve our communities’ health and safety outcomes.


Click below to see the dates and locations and book your ‘FREE’ St John Mental Health First Aid training course, proudly sponsored by PowerNet.


Over the eleven years of sponsorship, our $1,100,000 has supported:

  •  706 southerners trained in Mental Health First Aid courses through 47 courses since 2020
  •  2,614 Year 7 & 8 students trained in the Whātuia te Waiora – Weaving Wellbeing programme
  • Over the last eleven years, we have supported the ASB St John in Schools programme which has delivered to 57,657 students in 597 school sessions
  • A total of 17 publicly accessible AEDs have been donated to Southern communities since 2015
  • We have provided First Aid training to 1,478 people through 93 courses in 18 Southland-Otago locations
  • In 2020, we installed four electric vehicle charging stations in Bluff, Invercargill, Otautau and Winton.

In August 2023, we expanded our sponsorship to include the following:

  • Increasing our Principal sponsorship of the St John Weaving Wellbeing Programme. These courses are rolling out to year Y7 & 8 students. The 10-week programme focuses on building resilience and coping skills for students
  • Continuation with our Principal sponsor of the St John Mental Health First Aid Training course. This course gives the attendees skills on how to learn to support working colleagues, friends and family members experiencing mental distress as well as signs of mental health issues
  • Ongoing sponsorship of the Four EV charging stations around Southland for the St John EV health shuttles.