ContactContact Information
REPORT A FAULT 24/7: 0800 808 587
Email: General Enquiries Online Form
(Please do not log faults via email, use the 0800 number above)AddressFurther Information - REPORT A FAULT 24/7: 0800 808 587
Getting connected with our online application form
Prior to connecting any property to our electricity network we must be satisfied that the connection can be made safely without adversely affecting the delivery of electricity to other customers connected to the network. PowerNet must ensure that sufficient capacity exists to accommodate the increased load of the new connection and that the electrical configuration is suitable.
Click on this link to transfer to the Contractors Portal log in page, where you can access the online application form for:
- A new individual connection
- A new subdivision connection
- Altering an existing connection
We appreciate as much prior notice as possible to help us meet your timing requirements.
You are welcome to contact our connection team to talk about the application, phone 03 211 1899 or email us on enquiries@powernet.co.nz