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An Online Installation Connection Application must be completed for all new connections, alterations and temporary connections. For large connections i.e. greater than 100 kVA, a capacity guarantee may be required (this is generally only for non-residential applications).
We appreciate as much prior notice as possible to help us meet your timing requirements.
Policies relating to Installation Connections are contained in the PowerNet Installation Connection Standard. You can download the Installation Connection Standard (PDF).
Electricity retailer
Please be aware, your application to PowerNet is for setting up the power connection to the property, and we pass information on to your nominated electricity retailer. However, in order to have power switched on you must make your own power account arrangements directly with the retailer.
Capacity guarantee
For customers taking higher levels of power supply, ie: greater than 100kVA, we require a Capacity Guarantee to provide us surety over our network investment to provide the power connection.
After we have determined your specific requirements we will prepare an agreement outlining the legal requirements.
To find out more about capacity guarantee terms and conditions phone PowerNet on 03 211 1899 or email linecharges@powernet.co.nz
PowerNet’s Connection application process
- PowerNet will ensure the network line which will supply electricity to the new connection can accommodate the additional load and that the additional load will not adversely affect other customers.
- Sometimes we find that additional work can be required to upgrade the existing network to accommodate the new connection. This increases costs and takes some time to complete. To avoid possible time delays and surprises about cost please talk to us at the very early stages of your planning.
- We calculate any charges to you and advise you by letter, then await your agreement. PowerNet contributes some costs towards the connection. Contact PowerNet staff for more information about the PowerNet contribution.
- We issue you with a unique installation connection point number (ICP number) and advise your chosen electricity retailer. Click on this link for more information about ICP numbers.
You’re responsible for
- Contacting your chosen retailer, arranging an electricity supply connection
- Your installation can only become active once an electricity retailer has approved your request
- Ensuring your retailer contacts PowerNet with confirmation of your approved request.
Final steps completed by PowerNet
- PowerNet will complete the required work following confirmation by your electricity retailer.
- The power connection is livened when the metering is installed, all PowerNet’s network requirements have been complied with, and when the service main and the electrical compliance certificate has been completed.
If you want to connect a distributed generator to our network, please refer to the link on distributed generation.
If you are demolishing or relocating a building please refer to the link on disconnections and reconnections.
Using an Independent Contractor
It is possible for a consumer to use an independent contractor to design and build part of their new connection. If you are developing a new subdivision or if your new supply is large or remote from the existing network and will require our high voltage network extending across private land you can use an Independent Contractor to carry out some of the work. Further information is available in our Independent Contractor and Developer Reticulation in Subdivisions documents. Please note that there are some statutory tasks that only PowerNet can perform.
You are welcome to contact our Connection Team to talk about the application, phone 03 211 1899 or email us on enquiries@powernet.co.nz.