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Development of a new subdivision includes the installation of all necessary reticulation to individual lots. Developers must also make arrangements to connect the reticulation to the electricity network.
Developers are free to choose their own Contractor to perform the design and construction work; however, the Contractor must be approved by PowerNet prior to commencement of construction. The PowerNet document Network Constructed by Independent Contractors Standard provides further information.
When considering an electricity supply the developer must contact PowerNet at the very early stages of planning to discuss the connection process as there are certain statutory functions that only PowerNet can perform.
PowerNet provides four documents that explain what is required to ensure approval to connect to the PowerNet electricity network:
- The Installation Connection Standard explains PowerNet’s connection requirements and process in detail.
- The Network Design Standard details the design, materials and installation requirements that must be adhered too.
- The Network Constructed by Independent Contractors Standard provides guidelines regarding Developer Reticulation in new subdivisions
- Commercial Terms for New and Altered Customer Connection