Company Information

About TPCL

The Power Company Ltd has a long, proud history of being innovative and proactive in providing electricity to the people of the South. The company has operated as the Southland Electric Power Board, Southland Electric Power Supply over the years.

TPCL is owned by the 37,850 consumers connected to the network, and the Southland Electric Power Supply Consumer Trust exercises the ownership rights on behalf of those consumers.

The Regulatory Value of TPCL network assets is $464 million. This comprises over 8,915 km of lines and cables and 11,460 distribution transformers with a distribution capacity of 483.9 MVA.

TPCL contracts PowerNet to manage its network assets and charges PowerNet a fee for the use of the network. PowerNet adds maintenance costs and overheads to this, and the total costs are on-charged to Electricity Retailers through what is known in the industry as wheeling fees or line charges.

Electricity network companies are measured by their financial and network performance. TPCL is one of the better-performing predominantly rural networks in New Zealand.